Польша (Речь Посполитая) в границах 1772 года
1849-52 F.Radefeld Polen
1703, автор: De Fer Nicolas De Fer was the official geographer to the French king as well as being a successful publisher «dans l’Isle du Palais sur le Quay de l’Orloge a la Sphere royale’ in Paris. Among his many atlases was his ‘Introduction de la Fortification..’ first issued in 1693 and showing the defensive…
HULSIUS, F. und J.L. GOTTFRIED: Smolensko [Smolensk]. Frankfurt, Hofmann, um 1632. Kupferstich von F. Hulsius Ansicht der russischen Stadt Smolensk am Dnjepr aus Hulsius und Gottfried: «Inventarium Sveciae, Das ist: Gründliche, und warhaffte Beschreibung deß Königsreichs Schweden»; verso wie immer Text, sonst von guter Erhaltung
…от моря до моря SANSON,N. Engraved by Anthony d’Winter. Amsterdam 1705
Guthrie’s map of Poland From an Atlas to Guthrie’s Geographical Grammar, 1805. William Guthrie (later engraver for Carey) London, UK. Printed by Walker, Wilkie, and Robinson.